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Stitch Club.

Join the Open House Stitch Club to create, mend and gather together in community. 

Bring along clothes to repair, your sewing needles, crochet hooks, knitting needles, for a coffee, knit and chat in the Open House Cafe. Whether you are a keen knitter, have hole-y socks to repair or would like to learn to crochet - all are welcome to join and learn from each other.

About this event:

  • Date - 10-11.30am every 2nd Thursday of the month.

  • Price - This is a free event.

  • Location - Meet @ Open House Cafe.

  • Booking - Limited to 12 spots, to book your spot please click below.

  • We have made a big blanket for us all to go on a picnic together! This project we knitted a community blanket, using patchwork squares in chunky cotton yarn that many of the members of our community have knitted in our cafe or during our knit club.

    A huge thank you to Vicky Mitchell for starting this knitting community and sharing her skills, love and knitting materials.

8 March

Breathing into Transformation with Sophie Kirkton.

13 March

Find Your Moai - The Importance of Sharing and Community.